Mothtasia; Quest to the Northlands

I'm embarking on my Grand Tour which is called 'Mothtasia; Quest to the Northlands' and over the next few evenings it will take me to The Stand comedy clubs Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle. It's going to cover everything you've come to expect from this blog; love, death and pouches full of sheep teeth (when in a foreign land they carry more weight than the USD). 

I'm really worried that I'll get myself into sticky situations by not understanding local customs and the dress code (i.e. I have bought no shoes). I also understand that several Satanic Cults operate to the overture of bleak moors and complacent local authorities. Fingers crossed we can catch a drink, talk tactics and swap playlists.

Tonight is Edinburgh. Home of the world famous Fringe festival which acts as an open prison for freaks, nerds and outcasts during the month of August. Stay tuned for more updates, or don't. Just for God's sake, make sure you're happy.